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Communication Design



Brand Identity, Presentation, Uniform & Novelty


ブランドアイデンティティー, プレゼンテーション, 洋服 & ノベルティー

“Creating a community to Support Challenges”

UPs represents a special community we've built together, characterized by user-led participation, shared progress, and a vibrant, open, and positive atmosphere.

About “UPs”

'UPs' is a user-led and user-run community. It is a user-led community characterised by a lively, open and positive atmosphere. I, Midori, am a designer from China based in Tokyo. With the support of UPSIDER users and the team, I have been able to design a fascinating community called 'UPs'. We are very happy to share this new challenge with you. I would like to share the story of my challenge with all of you who are passionate about design and interested in 'UPs'.








What is “UPs”?

Self-growth is my theme, and as UPSIDER, we believe it is important that we ourselves continue to challenge ourselves, from a position of supporting those who are challenged UPSIDER users learn new skills every day, solve work problems and gain new inspiration from discussions with their colleagues. UPs is a new kind of business community where such users are active in updating and adding to their knowledge and supporting each other's challenges. The community aims to improve the social status of corporate affairs and to activate society as a whole, beyond the boundaries of departments and companies, by sharing knowledge about highly irreversible corporate affairs and helping each other to succeed in their business challenges. Furthermore, bringing together people from corporate departments of companies of different phases and sizes and sharing knowledge promotes more efficient and effective operations. Users have taken the initiative in setting up UPs and have organised two events so far; UPSIDER has provided support for these events.






Who is Designer “Midori”?

Once again, my name is Midori. I am a designer from China based in Tokyo, and this user-driven community design project involved a number of firsts for me. It was my first time designing a logo for an offline community, and my first time creating a design with users, including the UPs community members, outside of my colleagues at work.

With such a blend of different cultures and influences including external stakeholders, I remember being very excited to work on this project, although I wasn't sure at first what kind of design would resonate with a diverse range of cultures.

When I found out I was going to be involved in this project, I was very excited. I had only joined the UPSIDER design team a few months ago as a communication designer, but with the support of our talented design manager Taka (Ishii), we started to move from UPSIDER's brand communication to the clever use of black and white to create a professional and We have started to express our design sense.

We usually express our brand identity in a near monotone way and actually felt like challenging ourselves to extend our monotone production, so it was refreshing and exciting to work on a completely new project. 'Give it a go! It should be fun!' All UPSIDER users are people who enjoy a challenge, and I myself always enjoy trying new things.

From my point of view as a professional designer, this project means

Before joining UPSIDER, I had experience as a designer on a diverse range of projects with a focus in the field of communication design. And the fact that I seized this opportunity was only because I had been well prepared for it and. Without a doubt, I feel that opportunities only come to those who are prepared.







The “UPs” Design Process

This whole 'UPs' design process is,

and the integration of diverse cultures and people. The project itself was only three weeks long and the production process itself felt like an actual UPs event, capturing the community members at the core and working with me, the designer, to create it. Thanks to your support, I feel I have achieved an important project milestone.

It is very important for designers to take a step-by-step approach when working on these design projects. In such a process, they explore possibilities early on, with good internal and external communication in the early stages, and then work out the details over the later stages of the process. We then consider it important to involve as many participants as possible in the intermediate and final stages towards the completion of the project.




Initial Phase (In-depth Communication) ——

As a designer, it is important to reconfirm your understanding and all relevant questions at this stage, as there may be aspects of the project that have been overlooked by those involved during this phase, when the vision for the project is often not fully consolidated. It is unwise to proceed with uncertainty. Questions such as, "What is this community like?", "What are its keywords and target audience?", "Why?" What?" How?" Honami, the community manager for the PR team, led the communication between designers, community members and the PR team, acting as a communication bridge in the early stages. Thanks to her, we feel we have a clear understanding of what UPs is, its purpose and how to proceed.


初期段階(コミュニケーション、ワークショップ) ——



Early Phase (Exploration of Possibilities) ——

In this phase, the design divergence that was initially explored helped to show what the project itself could contribute. For the upcoming offline events, we proposed the creation of merchandise and novelties to evoke a more realistic experience to further enhance the appeal of UPs. We also proposed themed illustrations for each event. In fact, the initial approach required a change of policy in several respects. One reason is cultural differences. My Chinese background and the diverse cultural backgrounds of Japanese and UPSIDER users provided unique insights. For example, one example is the theme of community, which we approached design from the perspective of a large number of people being involved, using the number '3' as a starting point. We learnt that the number '3' in Chinese culture has a completely different meaning in Japan. Furthermore, regarding the theme of the illustrations, we proposed a policy in the course of our research, but we learnt that we were heading towards a theme similar to that of an actual Japanese study group, which was not an appropriate form of expression for a more casual setting. These findings and learnings involved everyone throughout the project and I was very receptive to and appreciative of all the constructive feedback. Those feedbacks have helped me a lot in my subsequent design work.


初期段階(可能性の探求) ——





Mid-stage (Detailed Refinement) ——

Through the initial stages and exposure to diverse cultures, I began to clearly understand which concepts and designs would best express the diversity and positive attributes of UPs.

All design directions were summed up in one word: 'crisp' - the pronunciation of the UPs name itself is crisp, evoking the sound of opening an apple soda or the snapping of fingers when you are relaxing or inspiration suddenly strikes. My aim with the design of UPs was to convey simplicity, clarity and joy. So I explored three different design directions, including arrows, suns, embraces and circles for the rising image

  1. Logo and image
  2. Image + text
  3. Partial text + image

We showed these options to all stakeholders from different angles based on the above concepts, such as the above, and often got feedback quickly by presenting the options. Unlike the initial phase, we initiated direct discussions with stakeholders, including UPSIDER users, the marketing team, the PR team and of course the design team. This direct communication and discussion involving a large number of stakeholders was nerve-wracking, but extremely valuable. I am grateful that this experience was so beneficial, as I learnt a lot from direct communication with a core group of community members, including users, who are usually less likely to experience it.
